Monday, August 22, 2016

Book Buddys

Description: This term we have been doing book buddies. Book buddies is when your reading the same book and you talk and discuss about it. First you pick a book then you chose where you want to read up to in your book. You also select a coach (one of the teachers). Bridget is my book buddy and we chose Suzanne as our coach. We set a time to discuss with our coach and fill out a slide that shows evidence of what we have done. We also do little things to do with our book like make a finger puppet of one of the characters. Bridget and I are reading My Brothers Secret. We discuss every Friday about the 5 chapters we read each week.

Thursday, August 11, 2016


Description: This term in school our goal/value is Excellence or Panikeritanga. We focus on our goal all the time, in and out of school to. This slide shows ways that I could show Excellence and how far I have gotten so far.