My twist show that I had to do some tasks by my self.
And my koros show all our team work and all of us together!
In Ellys class we had to make a book mark about the marae, and this is mine.
Big Idea:
1. Did you achieve your goals? How do you know? I achieved eating every thing I was given because It was yum and my plate was clear
2. What are you most proud of from the marae stay and why?Actually getting to sleep for most of the night. I thought I wasn't going to go to sleep at all!
3. What challenged you the most and why?Going back to sleep before 7:00am. I couldn't get back to sleep because most people were talking, but Im going to be honest I talked a bit to.
Good on you for being honest here Katie! It is very hard not to talk when you are in a room with that many people! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the food. Joy did a great job in organising that for us!