Description: In maths we have been working on statistics. I have been working with Bridget. At first the teachers did this thing when there is one main question and different answers, and then we did more of those and then we had to make our own. Bridget and I did it a what do we expect in Poutama. We had to start again because our questions weren't the best but we did a really good job on our second try!
Here is the slide that our questions are on and at the bottom is votes!
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Monday, November 14, 2016
Market day in maori
Description: In ET Reo we have been focusing on having a conversation in maori. what I mean is not just a normal conversation in maori and conversation that you would have with someone who wants to buy your product. So a conversation like *Hi. how are you?. how much is your product?* and things like that but in Māori. So Bridget and I have been writing a script and practicing it and then recording it on puppet pals. It took us a while to get a good recording but we finally got one.
Here it is!
Here it is!
Sunday, November 13, 2016
PreP post
Description: In term 3 we started to work on our PreP. Im working with Bridget and Caitlin and we decided to do clay sushi. We chose this because we all love Japan and we all love sushi (apart from Caitlin). We wanted to do clay at first but then we thought pom pom's would be better, but then we thought that the pom pom's would fall apart, so ten we went back to clay and made 41 sushis! On the day of market day we only had 31 to sell because some of the sushis got ruined by the p.v.a glue we put on them to keep the paint from falling off. But we did sell all 31 and made $30.50. We have a slide from the start of PreP to the last day. Here it is.
Description: In Elly's class for writing we have been working on persuasive writing or "adds" what I mean by adds is T.V commercials. We had to make a T.V commercial about a small box. We could make this box anything we wanted. I worked with Yassmine and we decided to make the small box be a wishing box. A wishing box is a box that you can wish for anything and it will come alive!!!!
This is our add!
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Risk taking leason
Description: Today in school all of the year 6's became teachers. All of the year 6's have been doing some risks. We have been doing risks like dancing with the other gender putting your hand in a box with random things in it etc... I wasn't here for when the 6's did there risk but they told me what they did and how they overcame it. Today we gave the year 5's a sheet of paper with different risks on it and they had to number off the risks from 1-9 1 was the most riskiest thing and 9 was the least riskiest thing. Then we gave them another sheet of paper asking what could help them overcome there number 1 risk.
This is some feedback from the year 5's we helped
Thank you you for coaching us for the risk. I like how you helped us with risks. But next time you could explain the sheet a bit more.
Isabella LEE:
Thank you for being my coach for the risk taking stuff. I have not had much experience with my risks but you guys have helped me do my work and next term I really can't wait but I will probably fail. Bye bye
Ruby Mainwaring
Thank you for being my coach I have learnt a lot and will be excited for the next time we do this. I think you were very good at explaining and coaching how to do the task. Next time maybe you could work on sharing the ideas and sharing the jobs with eachother.
This is also a photo of us working
This is some feedback from the year 5's we helped
Thank you you for coaching us for the risk. I like how you helped us with risks. But next time you could explain the sheet a bit more.
Isabella LEE:
Thank you for being my coach for the risk taking stuff. I have not had much experience with my risks but you guys have helped me do my work and next term I really can't wait but I will probably fail. Bye bye
Ruby Mainwaring
Thank you for being my coach I have learnt a lot and will be excited for the next time we do this. I think you were very good at explaining and coaching how to do the task. Next time maybe you could work on sharing the ideas and sharing the jobs with eachother.
This is also a photo of us working
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Self Portraits Portfolio Sample
Description: At the start of the term we started to do some art. We first drew on our piece of paper some patterns that represent us. Then we started to experiment with colours/ Paint, dye etc... Then after we made our practice we started to do a real copy and that was really fun. I didn't like my first copy so I put in the bin and thats why its not on my slide but I really liked my second copy/ actual copy. After doing the experiments and finishing our real thing, we started to practice drawing our selfs. I only had two tries and I really liked my second try so I kept that one. We had to shade and make everything little thing detailed. I cut out my drawing and put it on my other art, and then I took a photo of it and now its on my slide for everyone to see. I hope you like it!
Sunday, September 11, 2016
ET Reo Portfolio Sample
Description: This term in poutama we have been doing ET Reo. Half of the people in Poutama go to kapa haka and the other half stay behind and do ET Reo. In ET Reo we have been learning Whakatauki. Whakatauki are maori proverbs. We learn't two of them. The first one was: He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata! He tangata! He tangata! This means: What is the most important thing in the world?
It is people! It is people! It is people! Our task was to make something for both. For the first one we had to make people (ourselves) and colour them in and then the teachers put them up in P2 with the quote. The second one was: Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou ka ora ai te iwi (ngā tamariki) This means: With your food basket and my food basket the people (the children) will thrive. We made weaving baskets for this one. First we did one on paper and that was quite easy. Then we made one on actual flax. That was harder. My first try with the the flax was horrible and it broke but then I tried a different style and it worked.
This is my drawing that I drew of me.
Feedback/Feedforward: I think that your picture you drew of you looks amazing! maybe next time you could add some shading to make it look even better.-Devin
Evaluation: Thanks Devin. I also think I did a good job and I think that I should do some shading too. But I also want to make the head a bit more round next time too.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Description: At the start of the term Poutama got a maths test/rich task. I wasn't there on the day. But the week after the test (the week I was at school) we started to do workshops. We did workshops on measurement, Area and capacity. Then after all of the workshops we had the same test to see if the work shops helped and we did better. For me it was quite hard because I haven't done it before but I did all right knowing maths is not my strong point. This is my slide of my work.
Description: This term in writing Ellys group has been focusing on sentences. We practiced compound, complex,conjunction,simple and adverbial sentences. Then after we practiced those we got a slide of questions to answer about all of the types of sentences. The white slide means we have to fill out something and the blue slides are explaining something or telling us what what we need to do. This is my slide.
Evaluation: Thanks Sophie for the feedback and feedforward. I think I did I a good job with doing my sentences on the slides but I also think I could have added a bit more detail to.
Feedback/Feedforward: Nice work Katie. I like your sentences but next time you could add more detail but other wise you did a really good job. - Sophie B
Evaluation: Thanks Sophie for the feedback and feedforward. I think I did I a good job with doing my sentences on the slides but I also think I could have added a bit more detail to.
Feedback/Feedforward: Nice work Katie. I like your sentences but next time you could add more detail but other wise you did a really good job. - Sophie B
Monday, August 22, 2016
Book Buddys
Description: This term we have been doing book buddies. Book buddies is when your reading the same book and you talk and discuss about it. First you pick a book then you chose where you want to read up to in your book. You also select a coach (one of the teachers). Bridget is my book buddy and we chose Suzanne as our coach. We set a time to discuss with our coach and fill out a slide that shows evidence of what we have done. We also do little things to do with our book like make a finger puppet of one of the characters. Bridget and I are reading My Brothers Secret. We discuss every Friday about the 5 chapters we read each week.
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Description: This term in school our goal/value is Excellence or Panikeritanga. We focus on our goal all the time, in and out of school to. This slide shows ways that I could show Excellence and how far I have gotten so far.
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Monday Discovery Time
Description: Every Monday in Poutama and Poutokomauwa, we do this thing called Discovery Time. Discovery Time is were we have lots of choices of activates to Discover more on.
My activity:
I chose to do sketching/drawing.
Whats was hard about my activity:
The hard thing was trying to perfect my picture and copy all of the right things from the picture I was coping from.
What I liked about my activity:
I really liked the fact that I could keep on trying and trying and then in the end be happy with something I tried really hard to do.
Another thing I have been working on is sewing. For sewing I have been working on a pillow. I didnt finish how I wanted it to, but I was still happy with it because I really tried.
The hard thing about sewing (for me):
The hard thing for sewing is trying not to prick yourself with the needle. Its kind of impossible to not prick yourself, but you an try!
What I liked about sewing:
I really liked the fact that it was just really fun to do and I could just laugh when I pricked myself, and trying to make a pillow is very fun!
My activity:
I chose to do sketching/drawing.
Whats was hard about my activity:
The hard thing was trying to perfect my picture and copy all of the right things from the picture I was coping from.
What I liked about my activity:
I really liked the fact that I could keep on trying and trying and then in the end be happy with something I tried really hard to do.
Another thing I have been working on is sewing. For sewing I have been working on a pillow. I didnt finish how I wanted it to, but I was still happy with it because I really tried.
The hard thing about sewing (for me):
The hard thing for sewing is trying not to prick yourself with the needle. Its kind of impossible to not prick yourself, but you an try!
What I liked about sewing:
I really liked the fact that it was just really fun to do and I could just laugh when I pricked myself, and trying to make a pillow is very fun!
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Monday Discovery Time.
Description: Today in school we did this thing called Discovery time. Discovery time is were we get to chose an activity to do and discover more things about that activity. I chose to do sewing. In sewing I discovered that it is very very hard to do hand sewing, because you have to try and keep the stitches the same length apart. One challenging thing about sewing is, to try not to poke your self with the needle, but its pretty much impossible to not poke your self. Its really fun doing discovery time! I think that next time I might try the stilts and hand knitting!
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Pizza fractions maths
Description: Today in maths we got given a task with fractions. Some maths groups(TroyB/my group, TroyA, EllyA, EllyB, NicA, NicB) got given a harder task than The C groups. The task we got given was a pizza fractions task.
This is the question we got given.
This is my work.
This is the question we got given.
This is my work.
SLC reflection
Description: On Tuesday I had my SLC(Student Led Conference) with my mum. Here is my reflection.
1) How do you think you did on your SLC? What was the highlight? I think I did ok with me SLC. And my highlight was just shearing my learning with my mum.
2) What did you do differently to make your SLC stand out? I think I was talking well so that my mum could here everything about my learning.
3) How will you make your Home Led Conference in Term 3 be awesome? What things might you do to make it awesome? I think that I cloud be a bit more confident.
Monday, June 27, 2016
Reading workshop with Bianca(Naming of Clouds)
Description: Today I had a workshop with Bianca and we did note taking. We did note taking on a article about clouds and how they got there names! It was actually really interesting. I all ready new some of the stuff because of science.
These are some photos of my note taking.
These are some photos of my note taking.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
E Te Reo Portfoldio Sample
Description: On Monday afternoon's we do E Te Reo and we have been learning a couple of things. The first thing is a song by Stan Walker called Aotearoa and the other thing we learnt was maori fruits and veggies, then we had a choice if we wanted to learn the Aotearoa song or to make something that includes maori fruits and veggies. I made a game with 4 fruits in it and you have to go through the game and if you land on a fruit you have to guess what the fruit is and then flip the card over and see if your right or not.
This is a picture of my board game.
The 4 fruits I did was Tomato, Orange, Lemon and apple
In maori these are ------------------------------------------
Tōmato, Arani, Remana and Āporo
Feedback/feedforward: I think you did a good job on making a good quality board game and I think that is someone played they would learn from it. I love how you have used pictures to make people wanna play it. Next time you could make it bigger and maybe more challenging. -Zara
Evaluation: Thanks Zara Yes a think that next time I could make it bigger some more fruits would make it super good. But i'm still really happy with it.
This is a picture of my board game.
The 4 fruits I did was Tomato, Orange, Lemon and apple
In maori these are ------------------------------------------
Tōmato, Arani, Remana and Āporo
Feedback/feedforward: I think you did a good job on making a good quality board game and I think that is someone played they would learn from it. I love how you have used pictures to make people wanna play it. Next time you could make it bigger and maybe more challenging. -Zara
Evaluation: Thanks Zara Yes a think that next time I could make it bigger some more fruits would make it super good. But i'm still really happy with it.
Monday, June 20, 2016
Japanese Portfoldio Sample
Description: On Thursday afternoons we do Japanese with Kelly. We first learnt how to count to ten in Japanese, then we learnt how to write numbers up to ten in Japanese (but i still need to work on that), and now we are learning to ask questions and and answer to some questions. We are doing this because all of the year 6's are going to IPU (International, Pacific, University) and we are going to meet some Japanese students and we are going to introduce our self to them.
This is a slide of my Japanese:
And this is a picture of my name in Japanese that I painted
Feedback/Feedforward: I think you did a well on making sure you name was tidy and clear to read and it looks like you took your time to do it. I like how its big so it stands out. (No feedforward its perfect!!) -Zara
Evaluation: Thanks Zara I also think I did a good job with making it clear for others who don't do Japanese!
This is a slide of my Japanese:
And this is a picture of my name in Japanese that I painted
Feedback/Feedforward: I think you did a well on making sure you name was tidy and clear to read and it looks like you took your time to do it. I like how its big so it stands out. (No feedforward its perfect!!) -Zara
Evaluation: Thanks Zara I also think I did a good job with making it clear for others who don't do Japanese!
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Description: Today in maths I achieved a maths question i couldn't do and then my maths teacher Troy he gave me some more questions like the first one. I am very proud of myself for doing this because this was really hard for me.
Here is a photo of my work.
Here is a photo of my work.
Sport start Portfoldio Sample
Description: Today at school Troys class went down to the court and we played a game called gate way. What you need for gate way is two cones a buddy and something to pass to your buddy. Put the two cones about 1 meter away from each other, then start passing the "ball" to your buddy and throw it back and forth a few times then, run to another gate way/the cones, and pass a few times and when you get the hang of it you can start setting goals. So what you can do is, one hand or one leg. I have a video of me and Bella M doing the gate way game.
Feedback/Feedforward: I think you did at making challenges to make it harder but next time try and maybe make it longer so that they get more of an idea. -Ruby M
Evaluation:Thanks Ruby. I think next time I could do the running part of the game and not just throwing the bean bag back and forth.
Feedback/Feedforward: I think you did at making challenges to make it harder but next time try and maybe make it longer so that they get more of an idea. -Ruby M
Evaluation:Thanks Ruby. I think next time I could do the running part of the game and not just throwing the bean bag back and forth.
Maths Letters
Description: In maths Troy B went to room 1 and we did kind of challenge. It was to find letters in the alphabet that had 6 squares so what i mean is in maths we have a book that has lots of little squares in it and so if i mad a letter I would put the out lines on the squares and so then I would count how many squares were in the letter. And so when we did the task on the sheet of paper there was already and example with an o and it looked like this, an then we had to count how the o has 6 squares.
After we did that we came back to class and worked on more letters in the alphabet that and tried to make them 6 squares.
These are my letters.
After we did that we came back to class and worked on more letters in the alphabet that and tried to make them 6 squares.
These are my letters.
Monday, June 6, 2016
0.Reflection: A goal for me for x-county is to be in the top 10 for year 6 girls and maybe come in between 5th and 1st!
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Science port foldio sample
Description: In Troys class we have been learning about weather. What we did on the first week was make a thing called a barometer. A barometer is a thing that basically reads the weather, so for example if the barometer's pointer is pointing low then it means the weather is going to rain or not be nice but if the barometer's pointer says high then the day should be nice. Then what we did this was we went on a page full of ideas of things we could do that is weather related and we could do for science. I was a partner with Zara Hardy, and we made fake snow. What we did for that was, we had shaving cream and baking soda and mixed then together. We had lots of fun doing this but it was SUPER messy!
This is a slides of my science/weather reports.
This a video of Zara and I making the fake snow.
Feedback/Feedforward: Great job Katie I think you did really well with adding as much detail no feedforward.-Gabby
Evaluation: I think Zara and I did well with making snow and it was super fun!!!!! I dont think that we need to add anything for next time.
This is a slides of my science/weather reports.
This a video of Zara and I making the fake snow.
Feedback/Feedforward: Great job Katie I think you did really well with adding as much detail no feedforward.-Gabby
Evaluation: I think Zara and I did well with making snow and it was super fun!!!!! I dont think that we need to add anything for next time.
Maths post sample
Description: In maths we had to do a fractions task, it was a task that said the mixel lego creators had to divide lots of little pieces of lego. We had 5 questions to answer with the task and they were what is 1/4 of 300, what is 1/5 of 300, 1/4 of 300 again, whats 2/10 of 300 and then 1/10 of 300. I had trouble doing the 2/10 of 300 and 1/10 of 300 but i got there in the end. I have some photos of my work.
Feedback/feedforward: i think that you have done really well in using times and division I think next time that you don't need two work on anything you have explaned this really well. - Bella L
Evaluation: I think I did well showing how I did my maths but I think for a couple of them i think i need to work on explaining a bit more.
Monday, May 16, 2016
Description: Today in maths I played a maths game could fractions matcher, its when you have to match a picture of a fraction and a fraction in numbers and i got to the last level but it took me a while to get to the last level. But I think I did well.
This is the second to last level of the mixed fraction part of the game.
This is the second to last level of the mixed fraction part of the game.
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Description: Skimming is a type of reading that when your trying to find something in the news paper or trying to find a book for you to read, and finding the things that pop out to you and skipping over the pages.
This is a link to a skimming poster that tells you a bit more about skimming.
This is a link to a skimming poster that tells you a bit more about skimming.
Monday, May 9, 2016
Summery writing
Description: Today in literacy I went to a wrk shop and we looked at a article about the moon. Then what we had to do was right a quick summery about that article. It was hard coming up with something only because summery are short and my writing style is long entertaining story's.
This is my summery I hope you like it!
Half of the moon is hot and the other side is cold. In 1969 and 1972 12 men walked on the moon and discovered water ice luna poles.
This is my summery I hope you like it!
Half of the moon is hot and the other side is cold. In 1969 and 1972 12 men walked on the moon and discovered water ice luna poles.
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Maths fractions
Description: Today in maths I did two maths games, the first one I did is a game on study ladder and what you have to do is guess what the missing fraction is and then click the fraction you think it is down below. The second one is a game when you have to pair two fractions together that you think are the same, but you only get two guesses so if you get the one wrong then you only have one more pick.
Study ladder game.
Pare the fractions.
Handwriting Portfoldio Sample
Description: For some of my independent time in writing I worked on my handwriting because, handwriting is not my strong point. What I did to practise my handwriting was i wrote a poem in five minuets.We have a rubric and there are things we have to work on with our handwriting and that is to be, fast, legible and accurate, then we put our poem on a level there is level 1, 2, 3 and 4 and we can mark our self on what you think you are, and then the class can make changes in were you are!
This is my poem.
This is my poem.
Feedback/Feedforward: I like how you are challenging yourself to try be as tidy as possible but still be fast, legible and accurate. Next time you could try and be a bit more tidier and make sure you spell your words right- Hannah G
Evaluation: Thanks Hannah I agree with you, yes i need to work on making it a bit more tidy thanks Hannah agin!
Writing work shop
Description: Today in writing we had a sentence that we had to write and then we made our own version of the sentence, and it had to have the same amount of comers it was quiet hard to think of our own sentence but I got there in the end. I hope you like the sentences, my one is the bottom one.
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Hard maths
Description: Today in maths I did two thing first I played a fractions game and made it to level 47! But then it got to hard so in the last part of maths so then I did a couple of fractions questions, the last one I did I didn't know what the fraction is of it. For me fractions is a challenge and thats good because if its not challenging you don't learn anything.
This is the game I played and what you have to do for it is cut the shape in to fractions and make sure you get all of the gold stars apart from each other I failed a lot at the last level but I still think I did well!

These are my fractions that I did.
This is the game I played and what you have to do for it is cut the shape in to fractions and make sure you get all of the gold stars apart from each other I failed a lot at the last level but I still think I did well!

These are my fractions that I did.
Monday, May 2, 2016
Description: Today in maths we did a fractions challenge what we did was we had a blank head and then we drew eyes, freckles, teeth and hair. Then what we did on each face part we had to do a fraction with it so for example. When I did the eyes I did the circles and then coloured half of them in because our teacher asked us to colour in half of the eyes. One more is when I did the freckles we had to colour in 1/4 of the freckles, so what I did at the start was I made one red freckle and then three green, but then my teacher said another way is putting three green freckles on one side and one red freckle and then the same on the other side.
Here is my face.
Here is my face.
Graffiti art
Description: Last term on the second to last day our teacher troy was sick so we had a reliever in for the day and his name is Chris. Chris said that he loves art so he wanted to do some art with us, and the art he chose to do with us is graffiti art. We got inspired by a very famous graffiti artist, I forgot his name but the art he dint was like crayon and graffiti mixed together so thats kind of what we did. First we chose what we were going to write on our A3 paper and then we wrote that word in block letters on our paper, then we made our letters 3D and coloured them in. Then we made a bubble around the word and we painted inside the bubble so that our word can pop out!
This is my graffiti art.
This is my graffiti art.
Evaluation: I think that I did a good job with my art but I think that I could of added some more patterns.
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Star Test.
Description: Today in Poutama we found out our scores for our reading star test. I did pretty well with my test I got a 10/10 on word recognition another 10/10 on my sentence comprehension 18/20 on paragraph comprehension and a 9/10 on Vocabulary I aslo got a stanine 8 for years sixes. This is my test that I did. I even did so well they tested me on the year 8 test and it was really hard.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016
What gose in the girls cabin: Writing 2016 portfoldio post
Description: In Poutama as you know we went on a awesome camp and we chose to write about camp and i'm writing about what goes on in the girls cabin at night! First we had to write down ideas and things about camp in our writers notebook and then after that we chose how we are going to write and we chose from a thing called PIES which means persuade, inform, entertain or self, my one is entertain because I love to write like that. Then we chose what were going to write about as you already know i'm writing what goes on in the girls cabin 18 at night. So I started to write and I was really happy with it but then we went back to our story and re crafted, which is to add better words/ onomatopoeia punctuation etc... Then we started to write it down on the computer and finally put it on our blog! I hope you like my writing I spent a long time making it.
Feedback/feedforward: I think you did a good job on adding detail and doing a good hook for your story. Next time I think you could add more interesting sentences and words. -Zara
Evaluation:Thanks Zara I also think I did well with detail and yes I did have some problems with adding more juicy words.
Feedback/feedforward: I think you did a good job on adding detail and doing a good hook for your story. Next time I think you could add more interesting sentences and words. -Zara
Evaluation:Thanks Zara I also think I did well with detail and yes I did have some problems with adding more juicy words.
I statement video.
Description:In Poutama we are learning about I statements, and for example if someone says something mean to you under there breath you could say I feel... when... because. First we had to pick what were doing for the situation for the I statement then we started to video we had a lot of videos but in the end we finished. We hope you like it.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Camp portfoldio sample 2016
Description: Camp was amazing, El Rancho camp. On a mild morning we left at 8.50 in the morning and everyone was exited. We got at the camp and we went straight into activities, we had 10 activities that we did they were, Tall water slide, horse riding, kayaking, low ropes, team initiative, pool, archery, mini golf, rifles and rafts. My favourite one is archery I'v been wanting to do it for a long time and to do my dream is awesome. I have some pictures of what my time has been like at camp.
Feedback/feedforward: I think its good that you worked well with your group and that you still did the water slide even though you were scared. Next time you should add more detail. -Zara
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Family tree TE Reo E portfoldio sample 2016
Description: On a Monday afternoon we started a to make a Måori family tree. First we had to get the family we new and write it down in our think book and that was our draft. Then we started to make our good copy we could make it on anything and i chose simple pic monkey because its easy to use. First in big letters I wrote my name and I'm a only child so i didn't need to write anything else next to me apart from my cousin then I just went up in generations but I only know up to my grand parents.
This is my family tree:
This is my family tree:
Feedback/Feedforward: I think you did a good job on making it clear so me and everyone else who see's this post can read it clearly, Also I liked how you made it basic with a groovy font so it makes me want to read it. (No Mistakes!) -Zara
Evaluation: Thanks Zara for the positive feedback I really appreciate it but I do think that next time I could get a bit more room so that I can fit in my uncle better.
Thursday, March 3, 2016
One word 2016 portfolio sample.
Description: Our one is our word for 2016. first we chose our one word and then we sherd them by tweeting them on twitter. And then we make block letters of them and made a draft of the word and decorated them. After we cheeked with a teacher we stated to make the real copy. I hope you like it.
My one word is Creative! I chose these designs because I want to be creative and free with my letters but still make them look good at the same time.
Feedback/Feedforward: I think you did a good job at making your text bold and lots of colour. Next time you could make the "e" more creative, other than that I think you did a good job.
Evaluation: Thanks Zara I do agree with you I was just stuck on what to do but I still really like my art work.
My one word is Creative! I chose these designs because I want to be creative and free with my letters but still make them look good at the same time.
Feedback/Feedforward: I think you did a good job at making your text bold and lots of colour. Next time you could make the "e" more creative, other than that I think you did a good job.
Evaluation: Thanks Zara I do agree with you I was just stuck on what to do but I still really like my art work.
Camp goals.
Description: Yay camp is only next week and I'm super exited, so when camp is about to come we do goals! When we do our goals we have two of them. The first one is my personal goal so a goal for me to think about over camp ad show that goal through out camp. Then second goal is a active goal an active goal is one with all of the people around you.
My goals:
My goals:
Monday, February 29, 2016
buddy time.
Description: In buddy time we were making something, to show what us and our buddys like. Me and my buddy Siena made a poster showing what I like and what she likes. To get our buddy we played a game called four corners and we got to know people a bit better and then i thought that siena and I could get to know each other better. Then we had the task to make a poster. Here it is we hope you like it!
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Listening sample
Description: In Poutama we were all learning about types of listing and we practiced all of the types of listening. i got in to a group of three me Jonty and Trey and we decided to do all three of the listening this we could do two but three was good.
Big idea: Busy listening is when someone is talking to you and your not listening so you could be doing something else like taking selfies. Active listening is when someone is taking to you and your listening to them and waiting for them to finish what there saying. Me to listening is when someone talks to you and you cut them off and say something about you and what you did and saying "Oh yeah me to i did that" and so forth.
Feedback/Forward: I think that you could of talked a little bit louder but other than that i think you did a great job. -Atlanta
Evaluation: I think that Atlantas right we could have talked a bit louder but i think we got our movie done in a good amount of time and that the rest of our movie is good.
Big idea: Busy listening is when someone is talking to you and your not listening so you could be doing something else like taking selfies. Active listening is when someone is taking to you and your listening to them and waiting for them to finish what there saying. Me to listening is when someone talks to you and you cut them off and say something about you and what you did and saying "Oh yeah me to i did that" and so forth.
Feedback/Forward: I think that you could of talked a little bit louder but other than that i think you did a great job. -Atlanta
Evaluation: I think that Atlantas right we could have talked a bit louder but i think we got our movie done in a good amount of time and that the rest of our movie is good.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Treaty of waitangi
Description: In Poutama we were learning about the Treaty of Waitangi and Hannah P, Bridget and I made a short movie about what happened again a short version. We are learning about the Treaty of Waitangi because last weekend was Waitangi weekend and New Zealand celebrates Waitangi weekend for a good reason, because the maori and the British signed the for peace the British doesn't own our land and we we would have been controlled by others, so we everyone in Poutama are making all sorts of things for this one day we hope you like them!
This is our movie.
Big idea: First we had to get the information we some information from a slide our teacher made us and some from the internet and then we started to wright the scripted it took us a while but we got there and then we got the props so the moustache and the treaty paper then we read over our lines so we didn't have to look at the camera all the time and then we started to record!
Feedback/Feedforward: It was really good but it could be a bit louder and also the story could be a bit clearer-Bella M
Evaluation: I think that we did a good job with our movie but the last parts could be a bit louder and the green screen wasn't the best. I think that our stage is multi with 3 or more facts.
Big idea: First we had to get the information we some information from a slide our teacher made us and some from the internet and then we started to wright the scripted it took us a while but we got there and then we got the props so the moustache and the treaty paper then we read over our lines so we didn't have to look at the camera all the time and then we started to record!
Feedback/Feedforward: It was really good but it could be a bit louder and also the story could be a bit clearer-Bella M
Evaluation: I think that we did a good job with our movie but the last parts could be a bit louder and the green screen wasn't the best. I think that our stage is multi with 3 or more facts.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Maths 15 Cards
Description: For maths we had 7 cards up to the number 15 and we had to solve a problem with those cards and number for example. card 1 and 2 add up to the number 15 and with the cards i have i need to add up to 15 so 5 and 10 = 15. And after i finished that i got with a buddy (Hannah P) and we made our own one here it is.
Im proud of that when i failed i didn't just give up i keeped on going and in the end i got it right!
One challenge for me is that at the start i didn't really get it and i got really frustrated and annoyed with my self.
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Treaty of Waitangi.
Description: We had to do a first draft with questions about Waitangi day and then our final draft like editing and making it look better. We have done this because Waitangi day is on Monday and we have a long weekend in celebration of the treaty and other things. I have made a poster with Zara and this is my poster.
We had to get some questions (At least more than three) and put them on something in a way that someone could read and they weren't yes no questions but this is our poster i hope you like it.

Monday, February 1, 2016
My one word.
W.A.L.T: Set goals.
Description: At school we have to pick one word for our goal for the year. And mine is Creativity. you have to pick a word that you need to work on and that you can work on everyday!I love being creative with art but i want to be creative with maths and ideas to!
Why I picked Creativity as my word: I picked this word because i need to work on being creative in my ideas and lots of other things.

Description: At school we have to pick one word for our goal for the year. And mine is Creativity. you have to pick a word that you need to work on and that you can work on everyday!I love being creative with art but i want to be creative with maths and ideas to!
Why I picked Creativity as my word: I picked this word because i need to work on being creative in my ideas and lots of other things.

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