Thursday, September 18, 2014

Inquiry Portfolio Sample

WALT: Gather Information

Every Wednesday we have been working through the Get it, Sort it, Use it model to inquire about different countries around the world and their languages/culture. We each brainstormed a potential list of subjects and chose what we wanted to find out more about and then started our research.


Matrix showing what you think and what your inquiry teacher thinks.

I think:

My Teacher thinks:

1. What are you most proud of? Getting my keynote completed and it had lots of information.

2. What did you find challenging? Getting a lot of information because on the Internet when I searched for things from Columbia, I got a range of things that weren't relevant.

3.  My next ‘Get It’ goal is? To make sure when Im getting information I know what info Im getting.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really looking forward to seeing your keynote this week Katie and finding out all of the things that you have learnt through inquiry this term.
